Perform this exercise every morning upon arising (and as many times throughout the day as desired). Bend forward hold for 10 seconds. Bend back hold for 10 seconds. Bend side-ways hold for 10 seconds. Bend to other side hold for 10 seconds. Twist hold for 10 seconds. Twist to other side hold for 10 seconds. Perform this exercise for both the neck and low back. (TIPS: No bouncing or quick movements while performing the exercise. If anything causes a moderate or server pain stop doing that and move on to the next one.)
Perform this exercise once a day. Put the resistance band around the back of your head and hold the ends out in front of you and with one end in one hand and the other end in the other hand. Make sure your shoulders are extended at 90 degrees and your elbows are extended at 90 degrees directly in front of you. Keep good posture and look directly in front of you the entire time. Apply tension on the resistance band and pull chin straight back while still facing straight ahead (do not tilt the head up or down while trying to pull the chin straight back). Hold for 10 seconds. Relax for 10 seconds. That is one set. You may perform up to 3 or more sets as desired or instructed by your doctor.
Perform this exercise once a day. Sit on the wobble ball and bend your spine forward and back 10 times (Do not only bend at the waist. Imagine putting a C shape throughout the entire spine). Bend your spine side to side 10 times (Do not only bend at the waist. Imagine putting a C shape throughout the entire spine). Rotate your low back around in circles in both directions (right and left) 10 times. This is one set. You may do up to 3 sets.
Perform this exercise every night before bed (and again in the morning if desired). Place one roll under the curve of the neck and the other roll under the curve of the lower back. Allow your spine to mold from 5-20 minutes depending on tolerance. (TIPS: Lay on a vsoft bed to decrease the intensity of it. Bend at the knees to decrease the intensity of the low back roll.)